I like to write papers and other documents on the topics I research, the software I write, and things I learn. Here is a pointer to some of the documentation I have written. I also keep a copy here on my web site in case codeberg has a hitch.
I have a lot of journal articles you can find in my google scholar page. I seldom write journal articles as first author, but am often a co-author on articles about the research I do.
James Theiler and I designed and started the implementaiton of the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) back in 1996. We were joined soon by Brian Gough who contributed to the design and ended up implementing much more than we had originally. Now a few others have also contributed a lot of very good work on GSL. You can find the book here in html and PDF format. There is also a print edition of the book available. Here is a BibTeX citation for the GSL book.
James and Brian and I also wrote a design document for the GNU Scientific Library ().
In 2003 Ed Fenimore and I organized the Gamma Ray-Burst conference. We also edited and published the Gamma-Ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery proceedings book. You can find the publisher’s table of contents here.
In 2007 David Palmer, Ed Fenimore and I organized the Gamma Ray-Burst conference. We also edited and published the Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007 prceedings book. This was the 1000th volume published by the American Institute of Physics. You can find the publisher’s table of contents here.